Wearing jewelry was common for both men and women in Himachal. Pahari paintings on display in the museum also show men wearing jewelry though not as profusely as women. Women however, embellish themselves with jewelry from head to toe especially during marriages, festivals, jatras and other festive occasions. For women folk, jewelry is an indicator of the social status and a sign of their married bliss. For humble village people, silver is metal of choice and suits their pocket. In Kangra, jewelry is prepared by ‘sunars’ who are hereditary jewelers. The head ornament commonly worn all over the Himachal Pradesh is the ‘chaunk’. It is a dome shaped ornament worn on the top of the head and is generally engraved with motifs. The ‘magtikka’ is a circular pendant suspended from a chain hooked to their hair and cleverly hidden from view. Another ornament for the forehead is ‘shingar-patti’. It comprises a broad strip of delicately worked out chains which is worn over the forehead and inflames it from side to side. Among the ear ornaments besides the ‘karan phul’ and ‘jhumka’ there are ‘bale’, ‘bulak’, ‘bragar’, ‘bunde’, ‘dandi’, ‘drotu’, ‘goli mungri’, ‘murki’ and ‘dilli’ etc. ‘Balu’, ‘Balak’, ‘karolu’, ‘nath’ are common nose ornaments. But the place of pride is occupied by ‘Balu’ without which the bride's make up is indeed incomplete. It has to be made in gold. There is hardly a household in Himachal Pradesh which does not own a ‘Balu’. Even the elderly women cherish it with pride, for it reminds them of their ‘suhag’. It is a large nose ring of gold (often six inches in diameter), decorated with floral motifs and studded semi precious stones. The ornaments of neck are ‘dod mala’, ‘satlari hara’, ‘chandra hara’, ‘champakali’, ‘hamsali’ etc. ‘Arsi’ is a large circular ring, fixed with a looking glass, which enable the woman to look at herself stealthily in ‘jatras’, festivals and marriages etc. ‘Toke’ is a broad strip of silver bent around wrist. ‘Anguthra’ is a toe ring. To sum up, every type of jewelry is on display to attract the attention of visitors.